Why Privacy?

Why Experience?

and why an agency?

The answers are simple.

Most importantly, we are on a mission to make privacy better for everyone.

We are frustrated at just how rubbish privacy strategies, journeys, communications and overall design is. Privacy is not being created, implemented and managed at all well across nearly every major business we come across. We looked around, no-one else was seeing it the way we were. The scale of the opportunity and problem is huge.

We decided to do something about it.

The GDPR journey started in 2008 and should have loomed large over business since 2012. Since May 2018 the implementation period ended. Yet, still many businesses are just doing a terrible job and are losing trust every day as consumers silently change their mind about which brands they use.

Agencies don’t understand the law. Lawyers don’t understand consumers. Consultancies don’t understand brand.

PEA believes all of this is not only fixable but hugely important

Companies that rely on users, consumers data for business today and growth tomorrow are in very real danger of paying for taking a bare minimum approach.

Many businesses are starting with Privacy in the Legal teams and moving out from there. Communications are just a pass through. The journey is one based around users ‘complaining’. Therefore, the results are not helping anyone. Consent that isn’t really consent, no action around ‘further rights’, dark patterns in play so that people have no idea where to start, the list goes on. All of them eroding trust and getting attention from Advocacy Groups and Regulators.

Ultimately, this is about treating your customers fairly

Many organisations don’t know where they should be aiming when it comes to privacy. They are reactive and defensive. This means they are not at all well placed for the business benefits of designing privacy properly. All these elements we gathered under the terms ‘Privacy Experience’. The end-to-end emotional journey people go on with a brand when it comes to their privacy – all anchored back into the law. It is a unique offering.

PEA is a full-service agency

Companies come to us to solve a whole range of problems. More often than not, they are problems that others have not been able to solve. 

This means we work alot like a consultancy. But we are a full service agency. Why is that?

It’s a question that we have thought about a lot.

In the end it came down to three very simple reasons. Firstly, we think that there is something really exciting about marrying deep GDPR understanding with the creative basis of an agency. Much of our outputs are ‘consulting’ in their foundations, but we then implement them with an agency skill set.

Secondly, the agency mind set is to partner with all stakeholders, not to erode internal capability. PEA believes that is crucial.

Lastly, PEA sounds so much better than PEC. To be honest, this should have been the first reason.

Privacy Experience Agency

Author Privacy Experience Agency

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